

Every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Tickets: €7.50

University Museum

Oude Kijk in Het Jatstraat 7A, 9712 EA

Kaleidoscope, the exhibition of the Groningen University's Treasures


Kaleidoscope reveals the hidden gems of the University of Groningen's collection, a place where the most wonderous treasures come together. Picture this: an endless parade of beautiful birds from all corners of the world and... a BMW! No, not for a joyride, but for psychological research. Who would’ve thought?



Marvel at colorful crystals and stones, or step into a 19th-century student room—minus the piles of dirty dishes, of course. And if that’s not enough, you can also dive into the university’s history, including how computers once needed their own postal code just to perform calculations.


Since the founding of the University of Groningen in 1614, a lot has been collected by professors with impressive names like Theodorus van Swinderen and Petrus Camper. In 1934, the University Museum was born, giving all that collecting a home. Over the years, the collection expanded with pieces from other now-closed museums and laboratories, like the Natural History Museum, the Anatomical Museum, and the Ethnographic Museum 'Gerardus van der Leeuw'. 


Kaleidoscope takes you on a wild ride through these scientific fields, showcasing over 200 unique objects that tell the rich history of the university.


And the best part? You get to decide which objects are the true stars! Vote for your favorites and help reveal the real treasures of our University Collection during this RUG anniversary year. Because honestly, what’s more fun than having an opinion?


Normal tickets are €7,50 and RUG students can go for free.

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