Nederlands Blazers Ensemble
De Oosterpoort
Trompsingel 27, 9724 DAWhat is the ultimate symphony about peace and freedom? Of course, Beethoven’s Ninth. With the NBE’s own wind version, a choir with singers from all over the world and soloists from far and wide, Beethoven’s dramatic and universal notes finally sound truly fraternal and unifying. Hence, even the audience gets to sing along at the top of their voices with that famous Ode an die Freude.
Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony is a high point in classical music and far beyond, composed by a genius who thought completely out of the box. The premiere in Vienna on May 7, 1824 was followed by five exuberant standing ovations. Handkerchiefs and hats went up en masse and the police had to be called in to get the frenzied crowd out of the hall. Two hundred years later the audience can once again let loose when the Nederlands Blazers Ensemble performs this masterpiece.