La Voix Humaine FaceTime
De Oosterpoort
Trompsingel 27, 9724 DANever has heartbreak sounded so heartbreakingly beautiful as in La Voix Humaine, a compelling and poignant 1930 monologue by Jean Cocteau, adapted in 1959 by Francis Poulenc into a short but stunning opera. In this ultimate farewell monologue, a woman calls her ex in a final attempt to undo the rift between them. Gradually the realization grows in her that husband has chosen another for good. At LEKS Company, the woman in question is a camgirl. Via video chat, she desperately resists the final goodbye. He is weak and lying to her. She knows it.
Director and designer Chris Koolmees created a staging that adds a whole new dimension to this classic: man becoming detached from society, in a dangerous game with ever-changing truths. A game that ends inevitably, abruptly and inexorably.
La Voix Humaine FaceTime combines this text with excerpts from another one-act play by Cocteau: Le Bel Indifférent, written in 1940 for Édith Piaf. Actress and mezzo-soprano Ekaterina Levental crawls from the woman in matchless fashion; pianist Yoram Ish-Hurwitz beautifully emphasizes her lonely struggle. Sung in French with Dutch subtitles.