Jazzjam session JazzZolder! every Wednesday

Jazzjam session JazzZolder! every Wednesday

Every Wednesday
Gratuit événement!

Cafe de Zolder

Papengang 3-A, 9711 PA

Jazzjam Sessions at De Zolder Groningen

Go to JazzZolder! each wednesday at Café de Zolder. Come listen to a professional band as an opening act, and afterwards enjoy a jamsession on a high level. Come to listen or participate, you’re welcome to. These are extraordinary evenings…! We start at 21:30 and finish at 01:00.

Groningen a city of Jazz

Groningen is home to one of the biggest and most vibrant jazz scenes in the Netherlands. The city offers a rich history of jazz culture, with numerous venues, festivals, and events dedicated to the genre. From local talents to international stars, the jazz scene in Groningen is thriving and constantly evolving. The city hosts a variety of jazz festivals, including the annual Groningen Jazz Festival, attracting jazz lovers from around the world.


Jazz in Groningen | BIJ VRIJDAG 

This dynamic environment makes Groningen a perfect place for jazz enthusiasts to enjoy live performances, join jam sessions, and immerse themselves in the world of jazz. At Café de Zolder, you’ll experience the best of this exciting jazz culture!

Check out this page about jamsessions in Groningen for more information. Would you like to do a Jazz Course? We can recommend to attend a jazz course at BIJ VRIJDAG.

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