Ommelander Market

Ommelander Market

Saturday 28 Sep 2024
Gratuit événement!


Kerklaan 1, 9717 HA

Discover the Ommelander Market, held twice a month on Saturdays at De Beren in Groningen. This vibrant market features a variety of delicious and authentic local products from farmers and producers in the Groningen area.

You can look forward to an array of offerings, including honey, fresh fruit, artisanal bread, and various types of cheese, perfect for food lovers and local enthusiasts alike.


For more information, visit the Ommelander Market website.

The fruit company Bosschaart is a nice stand at the market, bringing fresh and delicious local produce. Soup and quiche lovers will be delighted to find at the market. They offer a range of hearty soups including Groningen mustard soup, chowder, lentil soup, Colombian chicken-potato soup, Oriental noodle soup, and carrot-coconut soup. Don't miss the chance to grab some extra to freeze, as this stand may not be available at future markets.


Honeysweet Delights

Check out Anneke Veenstra for delicious honey and other sweet treats! 

Get a glimpse of the market experience!



Explore Other Stands

Discover more local favorites at the market: 
BioBakker van Esch – authentic Groningen bread without additives
Biologisch Bedrijf Kleikracht – organic cheese and dairy
Etenkokerij – soups and savory pies
Fruit company Bosschaart – fresh fruit, juices, potatoes, and onions
Goat farm Ter Veen – goat cheese, meat, and yogurt
MijnGroente – fresh vegetables, potatoes, and onions

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