Grote Kruisstraat 73, 9712 TR



Located on the edge of Noorderplantsoen, at the corner of the Grote Kruisstraat, is the café Lambik, where a cozy atmosphere is combined with affordable meals.


 Outside on the terrace, you can sit in the sunshine with a view of Noorderplantsoen, and inside the homely café, pleasant music plays. You won't experience decision stress here. Every day, there are two fixed-price options on the menu for lunch and two for dinner, one vegetarian and one with meat. Apart from the daily menu, you can also order a snack, coffee with a pastry, or a specialty beer on tap.


 Café Lambik is open during the week from 12:00 onwards and on weekends from 11:00. Dinner is available every day from 17:00.

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