Mutua Fides
Grote Markt 27, 9712 HS

Mutua Fides


G.S.C. Vindicat atque Polit in Groningen

\Vindicat atque Polit has been a traditional  student association for over 200 years, making them the oldest association in the Netherlands. With more than two thousand active members, Vindicat is one of the largest student associations in Groningen and is located at the most beautiful spot in the city, the Grote Markt.

The Oldest Student Association in the Netherlands

The history of Vindicat atque Polit goes back to 1815. On February 4, 1815, the Groninger Student Corps 'Vindicat atque Polit' was founded in the inn 'Het Wapen der Zeven Provinciën' on the corner of the Grote Markt and Oosterstraat, at the current location of the Grand Theatre. The first Senatus Illustrissimus Studiosorum Groningae (Senate) was formed under the leadership of rector B.J. Winter.

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