When the Groninger Forum was built, space was created for a new market square. This is in a short version, how the New Market was born. It can be quite windy if you walk there we have noticed. However, they made it very beautiful by having a babbling water stream running through the market. And there is good food and drinks. For us always a reason to go.
How to find it?
If you are standing on the Grote Markt with the Town Hall at your back and on the right is the beautiful Hotel de Doelen with its well-known De Drie Gezusters. On the left you will see the Martini Tower. You walk through the spacious alley between the modern building of The Market Hotel and the new Merckt complex crowned by the Rooftop Merckt restaurant and bar. From this point you immediately have a beautiful view of the Grote Markt and for the photographers among us this is a very photogenic vantage point.
Food at the Nieuwe Markt
On the Nieuwe Markt you will find the entrance to the Groninger Forum, including a super nice cinema and café NOK (the rooftop bar), the entrance to the bicycle garage of the Groninger Forum, but also many cafés and restaurants on the square itself. The most famous restaurant, where you can also have a delicious lunch, is the Feithhuis. Here you also have the most beautiful view of the Nieuwe Markt from the terrace. There are also Blue Bananas. A nice place where you can eat fluffy pancakes in a very creative interior. It certainly feels American and it is truly an experience for young and old. You can go to the Italian chain Vapianos if you want to eat a simple pizza with your family quickly and easily.