Política de Cookies

To provide the best experiences, we use technologies like cookies to store and/or access device information.Consenting to these technologies will allow us to process data such as browsing behaviour or unique IDs on this site.
Para mais informações consulte nosso Política de Cookies

A versão em inglês destes Termos e Condições é juridicamente vinculativa

Please be advised that the Terms and Conditions document provided on this website was originally drafted in the English language. The English version of the Terms and Conditions is the only legally binding version of this document.

Translations of the Terms and Conditions into other languages are provided for convenience only.

Obrigado por reservar um tempo para ler nossos termos e condições.
Estes termos e condições aplicam-se às nossas atividades que oferecemos em nosso site stayingroningen.com.

Quem somos nós

O site https://stayingroningen.com e os aplicativos para celulares e tablets de https://stayingroningen.com são publicados e desenvolvidos por:

  • BoostmyBookings B.V.
  • Westersingel 35
  • 9718 CK Groningen
  • Número do CoC: 89490762
  • Número de IVA: 864998296.B01
Última atualização: Apr 8, 2024

These terms of use and the Privacy and Cookie Statement constitute your agreement with BoostmyBookings. If you do not agree with all or some of the Terms of Use, you should not use the website stayingroningen.com

Termos Gerais de Uso


"BoostmyBookings" refers to the company BoostmyBookings B.V.

"Stay in Groningen" refere-se a todos os sites para desktop e dispositivos móveis que podem ser acessados ​​via https://stayingroningen.com e os aplicativos móveis do BoostmyBookings.

"User" refers to any individual aged 18 years or older who is capable of entering into contracts and visits the website stayingroningen.com and/or has an account on the Stay in Groningen website. Plural: "Users".

"Data" refers to all information about the accommodation, restaurant, or event that has been provided to BoostmyBookings by the respective accommodation provider, restaurant owner, or organizer, or that is posted on the stayingroningen.com website by agreement of the accommodation provider, restaurant owner, or organizer. Examples of this include prices, availability, facilities, and photos.

"Conteúdo do Usuário" refere-se a todos os elementos fornecidos pelo Usuário no site stayingroningen.com, incluindo texto, documentos, imagens, fotos, comentários ou o direito de resposta.

Aceitação e Alteração dos Termos de Uso

BoostmyBookings fornece aos Usuários um serviço de pesquisa e reserva online sujeito à aceitação incondicional destes Termos de Uso.

Users declare and acknowledge that they have fully read these Terms of Use. Furthermore, the use of any service offered on the Website stayingroningen.com constitutes unconditional acceptance of these Terms of Use by the User.

BoostmyBookings reserva-se o direito de alterar estes Termos de Uso, no todo ou em parte, a qualquer momento. É, portanto, da responsabilidade do Utilizador verificar regularmente a versão mais recente dos Termos de Utilização. A versão publicada no sitestayingroningen.com. Considera-se que os usuários aceitam esta versão mais recente sempre que usam o site stayingroningen.com.

Ao acessar e utilizar o Site stayingroningen.com de qualquer forma, o Usuário aceita estes Termos Gerais de Uso.

1. Description of the stayingroningen.com Website

The use of the stayingroningen.com website is subject to liability limitations towards BoostmyBookings. See Article 8 'Limitation of Liability' for additional information.

1.1 Apresentação do site

The stayingroningen.com website is a platform that provides the User with the opportunity to, among other functionalities, contact restaurants, accommodations, and events listed on the stayingroningen.com website. In this regard, BoostmyBookings acts solely as an intermediary.

1.2 Pesquisa e reserva em tempo real

The stayingroningen.com website provides the User with the ability to search and book a table in a restaurant in real time, as well as to search for and book accommodation and/or purchase tickets for an event. O site stayingroningen.com também permite que os Usuários cancelem sua reserva em caso de imprevistos.

1.3 Promoções no site stayingroningen.com

O Usuário só poderá se beneficiar das promoções oferecidas no Site stayingroningen.com se as reservas ou agendamentos forem realizados através do Site stayingroningen.com. As condições de validade das promoções estão informadas no site stayingroningen.com. The User agrees to check the validity conditions of a promotion before making a reservation/booking via the Website and will in no case be entitled to the benefits of the promotion if the validity conditions stated on the stayingroningen.com website are not met and/or if the reservation-booking procedure of the promotion is not followed.

1.4 Conteúdo patrocinado emstayingroningen.com

Sponsored content on our website can encompass a variety of properties, events, locations (such as restaurants, hotels, parks, museums, or shopping centers), and categories. This content may appear in the form of advertisements, recommendations, or highlights. While some of this content is monetized and provided through sponsorship agreements, other content may be highlighted for free at our discretion.

Please note that the inclusion of sponsored content does not constitute an endorsement or guarantee of the quality, safety, or suitability of any properties, events, locations, or categories featured. We strive to provide accurate and valuable information, but we are not liable for any issues or discrepancies arising from the use of or reliance on this content. Visitors are encouraged to perform their own due diligence and exercise personal judgment when engaging with the featured content.

2. Uso do site stayingroningen.com

Os serviços oferecidos no Site stayingroningen.com são parcialmente gratuitos e parcialmente pagos.

Rates may be charged if changes are made to the services offered, the evolution of the network, technology, and/or legal requirements. Users will be duly informed about this through an addition to these Terms of Use and/or through the addition of special terms regarding the paid services on the stayingroningen.com website.

3. Sites e serviços de terceiros

3.1 Serviços oferecidos por terceiros

Users acknowledge that the stayingroningen.com website also refers to paid services. Each reservation on the stayingroningen.com website refers to a service offered by a third party and is paid for.

Any price or price range related to the services of a third party posted on the stayingroningen.com website is for information and user convenience only. BoostmyBookings cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

3.2 Links para sites de terceiros

The Website stayingroningen.com may contain links to websites managed by third parties.. The links are solely for informational purposes. BoostmyBookings does not control those websites and is not responsible for their content or for the privacy policy or other practices of those websites.. A exibição de links para esses sites não pode ser interpretada como um endosso desses sites ou como um possível relacionamento com os editores desses sites.. É responsabilidade do Usuário realizar todas as verificações necessárias ou apropriadas antes de usar esses sites ou realizar transações com qualquer um desses sites..

4. Acesso e uso do site stayingroningen.com

4.1 Condições de Admissão

A utilização do site stayingroningen.com está sujeita às seguintes condições cumulativas de admissão: como Utilizador, (i) ter pelo menos 18 anos; (ii) você tem capacidade legal para declarar que está vinculado a obrigações legais; (iii) e você pode confirmar que as reservas que você faz, os ingressos que você compra e as reservas que você faz no site stayingroningen.com são legalmente válidas para você ou qualquer outra pessoa para quem você esteja legalmente autorizado.

4.2 Acesso ao site stayingroningen.com

BoostmyBookings reserves the right to remove, delete, or modify all or certain parts of the stayingroningen.com website or services offered on the website without prior notice. BoostmyBookings also reserves the right to deny access to the stayingroningen.com website for all or certain Users at any time in case of maintenance, emergency (cyberattack, etc.).

4.3 Condições para abertura de conta

Ao abrir uma conta, o Usuário aceita expressa e incondicionalmente estes Termos de Uso.

Users commit to providing accurate, truthful, and up-to-date information, particularly regarding their salutation, last name, first name, email address, and phone number. This information is necessary for proper identification related to opening and maintaining their account.

4.4 Confidencialidade das credenciais de login

Ao criar uma conta, os usuários escolhem um nome de usuário e uma senha ("credenciais de login") que lhes concedem acesso à sua conta.

The login credentials are personal and confidential. They can only be changed upon request of the respective User or at the initiative of BoostmyBookings.

Users are solely and exclusively responsible for the use of their account and the respective login credentials. They will take all necessary steps to keep their login credentials secret and not disclose them to any third party.

In case of loss or theft of the login credentials, the User is liable for all consequences resulting from that loss or theft. The User must initiate the procedure to change their login credentials as soon as possible. This procedure can be consulted at the following address: info@boostmybookings.com.

4.5 Fechando conta

Users can close their account at any time. They need to send a request via email to the following address: info@boostmybookings.com.

BoostmyBookings will handle all requests to close an account within a reasonable period. When an account is closed, Users can no longer enjoy the services offered by BoostmyBookings.

4.6 Obrigações dos Usuários – Ações Proibidas

Users agree to use the stayingroningen.com website in accordance with these Terms of Use and applicable laws. In particular, Users agree to refrain from the following prohibited actions:

Não ir ao restaurante ou alojamento sem cancelar a reserva (no-show).

The content and data of the Website stayingroningen.com (including but not limited to messages, data, information, text, music, sound, photos, images, maps, icons, software, codes, or any other element), along with the infrastructure used to provide such content and information, belong to BoostmyBookings.

Users agree not to sell, resell, edit, copy, distribute, transmit, display, license, make available, or create derivative works of the information, software, products, or services of the Website stayingroningen.com.

Copying, transmitting, reproducing, republishing, or redistributing the content of the Website stayingroningen.com, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of BoostmyBookings, is strictly prohibited. To obtain such consent, contact BoostmyBookings at the following address:
Westersingel 35
9718 CC Groningen
Os Países Baixos

Furthermore, Users commit to:

  1. not use the Website stayingroningen.com or its content for illegal, unlawful, or deceptive purposes; not to post data about the User or the restaurant owner on the Website stayingroningen.com if such data are incorrect, illegal, and in violation of privacy laws, or if such data are offensive, insulting, or threatening, or if such data incite hatred or violence, or if Users do not have intellectual property rights or have not obtained express consent from the holder of those rights;
  2. not use a robot, spider, scraper, spyware, keylogger, or any other program, automatic device, or manual process to use, monitor, take over, or copy the infrastructure, content, or data of the Website stayingroningen.com or User actions on the Website stayingroningen.com;
  3. respect that certain parts of the Website stayingroningen.com are shielded from search engines and that certain measures intended to restrict or prevent access to the Website stayingroningen.com should not be circumvented;
  4. not perform actions that may overload the infrastructure of the Website stayingroningen.com; not to create an invisible link to the Website stayingroningen.com for any reason;
  5. not embed, mirror, or replicate any portion of the Website stayingroningen.com on any other website;
  6. not attempt to modify, translate, adapt, edit, convert, dissect, or rebuild any software program used by BoostmyBookings for the Website stayingroningen.com or its services.

4.7 Sanctions for breach of contract

4.7.1 Suspending or permanently terminating services

If a User breaches any of the obligations or provisions of these User Terms in whole or in part, or if the User engages in any of the prohibited acts listed in these User Terms or for any other valid reason, BoostmyBookings may modify, suspend, restrict, or terminate access to all or certain services of the Website stayingroningen.com and may deactivate the User's account. This will be done without prior notice and without the User having the right to claim compensation. BoostmyBookings will also have the right to claim any damages.

4.7.2 Damages

Without prejudice to the penalties imposed by BoostmyBookings in Article 4.7.1., BoostmyBookings will also be entitled to claim damages to compensate for the damages suffered.

5. Reviews and User Content

Users must follow the rules below when posting certain information on the website and especially when posting a review about a property found on the Website stayingroningen.com.

5.1 Publication conditions for reviews

To publish a review, Users must have an account that identifies them on the Website stayingroningen.com or they must have received an email invitation from BoostmyBookings to write a review. Furthermore, Users must have made a reservation or have been invited to a property found via the Website stayingroningen.com.

To avoid any conflict of interest and for obvious reasons of objectivity, a User working in the hospitality industry may not post a review on the Website stayingroningen.com.

The review must contain more than 200 characters and solely focus on the visited property as the subject. Any review mentioning another property may be rejected by BoostmyBookings.

5.2 Reasons for rejecting User content

O conteúdo do usuário pode ser rejeitado pelos seguintes motivos:'

  1. if the User does not comply with the above 'Publication conditions for reviews';
  2. if BoostmyBookings believes that its civil or criminal liability may be engaged;
  3. if the User content or elements about the author's identity contain insults or rudeness;
  4. if the text of the User content contains random characters or sequences of words without meaning;
  5. if the User content is not related to the restaurant being reviewed;
  6. if the User content contains a (possible) violation of the intellectual property rights of a third party;
  7. if the review generates conflicts of interest or deception or if BoostmyBookings believes it could generate such conflicts or deception;
  8. if the text of the User content is poorly written and therefore incomprehensible;
  9. if a User formulates an inappropriate comment about another review or its author; if the User content contains personal information or elements that may lead to identity theft, in particular the first name or last name of non-public persons, a telephone number, a postal address, or an email address;
  10. if the User content contains websites, hyperlinks, URLs, email addresses, or phone numbers;
  11. if the User content is clearly spam.

Click here for more information on the acceptance criteria for photos.

If a User has published content that is deceptive or if BoostmyBookings believes so, the company, after applying the procedures regarding the rejection or removal of the review, may remove the membership of the concerned User, as well as the reviews published by this User.

5.3 Review checks

BoostmyBookings has no obligation to check or remove reviews. The purpose of checking these reviews is to ensure compliance with these User Terms regarding the publication, rejection, or removal of the review. Each review is subject to review by automatic filters before publication and, if indicated, by human review. It takes up to two weeks to review a review. Users can request a review of a previously published review by sending an email to info@BoostmyBookings.nl with a clear mention of the reason for the review.

Any User who has published a review may later request its removal by sending an email to info@BoostmyBookings.nl. Users may be contacted by BoostmyBookings by phone or email to verify the authenticity of their reviews. A review may be forwarded to a partner website of BoostmyBookings and may be published on that website. Users understand and agree that BoostmyBookings may disclose the following data with their reviews: date of registration on the website, number of published reviews, first name and first letter of the last name, status and date of the visit.

5.4 Right of reply

Any third party has the right to reply, in particular to:

  • provide their version of the facts;
  • thank the customer for their contribution;
  • mention possible changes since the publication of the review.

The right of reply must be exercised within three months of the publication of the review in question by using the BoostmyBookings Manager tool or by sending an email to: info@BoostmyBookings.nl. All requests regarding the right of reply must include the following elements:

  • details of the review;
  • identification of the author;
  • mention of the disputed passages;
  • content of the requested reply (the reply may not be longer than the review to which it responds).

The reply must comply with the provisions set forth in these User Terms and will be reviewed in the same manner as User reviews. If the reply is published, it will appear after the review it relates to.

5.5 Use of User Content

Users agree that publishing User Content on the Website stayingroningen.com automatically grants an irrevocable, permanent, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to BoostmyBookings to use, copy, display, adapt, modify, translate, distribute, promote, mention in other advertisements or materials, use as a basis for derivative works, highlight, distribute globally, and allow third parties to do the same, via online media or other media. By publishing User Content on the Website stayingroningen.com, Users grant BoostmyBookings all necessary rights to prohibit the display, collection, copying, or use of that User Content by any third party and for any reason. Users irrevocably waive any claim and statement regarding moral or property rights with respect to this content. Users acknowledge and warrant that they are authorized to grant the above permissions.

6. Privacy

BoostmyBookings implements a Privacy and Cookie Policy to protect the privacy of Users. The Privacy and Cookie Policy also applies to the use of the Website stayingroningen.com.

7. Intellectual Property

7.1 Respecting national and international intellectual property law

Users agree not to forward, copy, resell, or make available to any other natural or legal person from any country any content, data, information, or items they have received from BoostmyBookings or available on the Website stayingroningen.com. Users agree to comply with the provisions regarding intellectual property outlined below.

7.2 Ownership rights

All moral and material intellectual property rights concerning the content and information on the Website stayingroningen.com belong to BoostmyBookings, except for the rights belonging to third parties and for which BoostmyBookings has obtained the necessary rights or permissions. The rights granted to the User for the use of the Website stayingroningen.com and the services offered by BoostmyBookings do not entail any transfer or permission regarding the management or use of any element of the Website stayingroningen.com.

7.3 Protection of all elements: trademarks, designs, logos, hyperlinks, information, etc.

All elements (trademarks, designs, texts, hyperlinks, logos, images, videos, sound elements, software, layout, databases, codes, etc.) on the Website stayingroningen.com and related websites are protected by national and international intellectual property law. These elements remain the exclusive property of BoostmyBookings and/or its partners.

7.4 Prohibition of use without permission

Users may not, without prior written permission from BoostmyBookings and/or its partners, reproduce, present, republish, redistribute, adapt, translate, and/or modify all or part of the information from the Website stayingroningen.com or transfer that data to another medium.

7.5 Sanctions

Users acknowledge and understand that failure to comply with the provisions of this Article 7 is an offense that may be sanctioned by civil and criminal law.

8. Limitation of Liability

8.1 Warning

It is the responsibility of the User to perform checks that are necessary or desirable before making a table reservation in one of the restaurants, booking accommodation, or purchasing tickets on the Website stayingroningen.com.

BoostmyBookings does not provide any guarantee regarding the Data or the services and/or business practices of third parties on its website. Consequently, BoostmyBookings cannot guarantee that Users will be satisfied with the products, services, and/or business practices they obtained after a reservation via the Website stayingroningen.com. BoostmyBookings does not guarantee the content, objectivity, or accuracy of the User Content, including but not limited to the reviews published by Users on the Website stayingroningen.com.

8.2 Modification of the Website stayingroningen.com

All information found on the stayingroningen.com website may be changed at any time, taking into account the interactivity of the website, without this affecting the responsibility of BoostmyBookings.

8.3 Use of the Website stayingroningen.com

Given the specific characteristics of the internet, BoostmyBookings does not guarantee the continuity of the service but adheres to a best efforts obligation. BoostmyBookings disclaims all responsibility for any damage or losses related to the use or inability to use the BoostmyBookings website, except as provided by law. BoostmyBookings cannot guarantee that the information provided is detailed, complete, verified, or accurate. The Data, information, restaurant pages, and all content displayed on the Website stayingroningen.com are provided 'as is,' without any express or implied warranty of any kind. Users expressly acknowledge that the photos on the Website stayingroningen.com are not contractual.

Overall, Users accept and acknowledge that the restaurant reservation is not guaranteed. In this regard, BoostmyBookings does not guarantee the effectiveness of the reservation service. The availability is checked in real time via a computer. Since BoostmyBookings cannot physically verify the data collected and/or the information provided by the restaurants, Users agree that BoostmyBookings cannot be held liable if they cannot enjoy the services of the restaurant. The parameters of the real-time reservation software depend in part on the information provided and/or entered by the restaurant. This information may not correspond to reality. Thus, for example and not limited to, Users acknowledge and accept that BoostmyBookings cannot be held liable if the reservation is canceled, if the restaurant closes its doors for any reason, or if the performance is refused for any reason.

Likewise and for the same reasons, Users agree that BoostmyBookings cannot be held liable if Users cannot take advantage of the promotion or special offers offered by a restaurant. Users acknowledge and accept that BoostmyBookings cannot be held liable if a restaurant does not apply a promotion or special offer, for any reason.

8.4 Guarantees and Indemnities for Users

Users guarantee that they are fully aware of the characteristics and limitations of the internet. In particular, they acknowledge that it is impossible to guarantee absolute protection of data transmitted by Users via the internet. BoostmyBookings cannot be held liable for any incidents resulting from the transmission of this data.

Users undertake to indemnify BoostmyBookings for the costs incurred by BoostmyBookings in the event of a claim or dispute, legal or otherwise, related to the use of the services described herein, and indemnify BoostmyBookings against any conviction in the event of legal proceedings.

In any case, Users expressly acknowledge and accept that they use the Website stayingroningen.com at their own risk and responsibility.

8.5 Reporting and Removal of Illegal Content

All Users can lodge a complaint or objection regarding illegal elements published on the Website stayingroningen.com. If Users believe that elements or content published on the Website stayingroningen.com may be illegal and/or infringe acquired copyrights, they must immediately notify BoostmyBookings by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt addressed to the 'Legal Department' or by email to info@BoostmyBookings.nl with the subject line 'Attention Legal Department,' accompanied by all available evidence to support ownership rights. After following this procedure, and after verifying the accuracy of the report, BoostmyBookings will make every effort to remove the illegal content as soon as possible.

BoostmyBookings acts as an intermediary in providing services to Users. Therefore, and in accordance with Article 6 I.3 of the French law on confidence in the digital economy (LCEN) of June 21, 2004 (as amended), BoostmyBookings cannot be held criminally liable for the information stored on the Website stayingroningen.com if the company was not aware of the illegal activity or information (including User Content, Data, etc.) or if it took immediate action to remove that data or block access to it.

9. Other Provisions

9.1 Partial Nullity - Dissolution - Titles

If any provision of these Terms of Use is found to be invalid, illegal, unenforceable, or non-binding, the validity, legality, enforceability, or binding effect of the other provisions of these Terms of Use shall not be affected or impaired in any way. Those provisions shall remain in full force and effect. BoostmyBookings may draft a new provision with the aim of restoring the common intention of the parties as expressed in the original provision and in accordance with the applicable law. The titles of the paragraphs in this document are for reference only and shall not be deemed an integral part of these Terms of Use.

9.2 No Waiver

Unless otherwise stated in these Terms of Use, the failure or delay by BoostmyBookings to exercise any right or remedy under these Terms of Use shall not be construed as a waiver of that right or remedy, nor shall it prevent the further exercise of that right or remedy. Such right or remedy shall remain in full force and effect.

9.3 Applicable Law

To the extent permitted by law, these Terms of Use and the relationship between BoostmyBookings and Users shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with French law. To the extent permitted by law, the French version of these terms shall prevail over versions translated or drafted in other languages.

9.4 Jurisdiction

To the extent permitted by law, any complaint, dispute, or claim, under or in connection with these terms and conditions, shall be handled by the competent courts of Paris. Pursuant to EU Directive 2013/11/EU of May 21, 2013, on alternative dispute resolution for consumer disputes, the link to the European online dispute resolution platform can be found below:

Plataforma Europeia de Resolução de Litígios Online