Aletta Jacobskamer

University Museum
Oude Kijk in Het Jatstraat 7A, 9712 EAPower Woman Alleta Jacobs
Aletta Jacobs can truly be described as a power woman. She was the first woman in the Netherlands to complete a university degree, she advocated for prostitutes, introduced the pessary in the Netherlands, campaigned for women's suffrage, and traveled the world to promote peace.
In this ‘consultation room,’ you can find various personal items of hers. The suitcase in the corner, for example, accompanied her on journeys that took her to China and South Africa, and you can also see her watch, teapot cozy, and biscuit tin.
Aletta knew from an early age that she wanted to become a doctor, just like her father and brother.

Her Quote
'From the age of six, I have always declared with the utmost determination that I wanted to be a doctor. Not once did it occur to me that this would be difficult for a girl. At home, no distinction was made between boys and girls,’ she wrote later. You can learn more about Aletta Jacobs and visit her consultation room at the University Museum.
The museum is open from Tuesday to Saturday, from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, and on Sundays from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Location: University Museum | Stay In Groningen