De Matthäus van Naarden
Cinema Forum Groningen
Nieuwe Markt 1, 9712KN GroningenBach's masterpiece about the suffering and death of Jesus can now be seen in Forum Groningen, in its most famous performance: that of the Dutch Bach Society in Grote Kerk Naarden.
Betrayal, condemnation, death and unconditional love, it's all in Bach's St Matthew Passion. The piece combines the most horrific and the most beautiful and never ceases to amaze, whether you are religious or not. The most famous and iconic performance is that of the Nederlandse Bachvereniging in Grote Kerk Naarden.
This performance was recorded for All of Bach, the project in which the Bachvereniging performs all of Bach's works, records them and shares them with the world for free online. To celebrate the 10th anniversary of All of Bach, the St Matthew Passion can now be seen in Dutch film theatres.
Please note the Matthaüs Passion is sung in German. This performance has Dutch subtitles. Do you not only want to enjoy Bach's music, but are also curious about the text? Look here, for instance, for a translation.
- Sunday 13 April
- Monday 21 April